You can find triangles in
math, science and nature.
You can see triangles all around you
i.e. flower petals, leaves, grass etc.
The triangle in nature is often subtle
and not as easy to spot as other forms.
But you can see them
all around you if you are curious.
I see a triangle in this fig.

math, science and nature.
You can see triangles all around you
i.e. flower petals, leaves, grass etc.
The triangle in nature is often subtle
and not as easy to spot as other forms.
But you can see them
all around you if you are curious.
I see a triangle in this fig.
Every saturday, participants post photos based on a theme.
The theme for this week is - "Triangle".
Please visit the home of photohunters on Saturday to find other participants.
The theme for this week is - "Triangle".
Please visit the home of photohunters on Saturday to find other participants.
Andra bloggar om: fig, fikon, bild, natur, fotografi
Såå läcker och kreativ tolkning på temat Randi!
SvaraRaderaUnderbara och klara färger - den här bilden gillar jag mycket!
Ha en fin påsk!
Kram Anna
I see a triangle in the fig too. Very cool and beautiful photo!
SvaraRaderaHope you have a nice weekend.
Vilka härliga blider du tar! Så fina :)
SvaraRaderaWhat a superb photo (as ever!)I've never seen a fig look so good. Happy Easter!
SvaraRaderaWhat an awesome photograph! It's just beautiful (and yes, I see the triangle, too!)
SvaraRaderaHärligt fräsch bild och kul tolkning av temat! :)
SvaraRaderaJag börjar känna mig tjatig ;) Men du är verkligen SÅ duktig!
SvaraRaderaJa, insekter är nog trevligast på bild :) I alla fall getingar. Äldste sonen kom med en gråsugga som han ville att jag skulle fota också men den var för snabb!
Glad påsk önskar jag dig med!
Jag bor på fel plats just nu, men inte under resten av året. :D
SvaraRaderaVad är det för musik man hör när man går in på din blogg förresten?
It's so obvious isn't it? Mine are a bit not traditional too. Happy weekend to you Randi.
SvaraRaderaSaftigt läckert – är det fikon? Glad påsk!
SvaraRaderaJag scrollade faktiskt och kollade också, men inte tillräckligt noga. :) Tack för att du ville upplysa mig ändå!
SvaraRaderavery nice find for the photo hunt, happy easter.
SvaraRaderaAbsloutely gorgeous. Yet again I am at loss, I am a little under the weather and might skip these time.
SvaraRaderaRandi, I wish you a Fin Pask
That's a beautiful shot. You are so artistic and I love how you found a triangle in the fig. I see it too. Happy Easter!
SvaraRaderaFabulous! REALLY well done!
SvaraRaderaThat's so cute and beautiful. I love the striking colors from that fig. :)
Beautiful photo. Happy easter!
SvaraRaderai can see the triangle too
SvaraRaderaYou are absolutely right. I see the triangle in the fig too. I love fig.
SvaraRaderaVery nice. As you say, lots of nature triangles.
SvaraRaderaWonderful.. but I couldn't find any nature triangles.. Yours are excellent!!
SvaraRaderaBeautiful triangle of a fruit!
SvaraRaderaCool triangle figure. Nice take for this week's theme.
SvaraRaderaOoh! What a great shot! Very creative for the theme.
SvaraRaderaI've got mine up now, too - another angle in nature, if you will - do stop by if you can, and have a great weekend!
Now that's a great triangle picture. :)
SvaraRaderaBeautiful! I do like fresh figs....
SvaraRaderaHi Randi --
SvaraRaderaAbsolutely re finding triangles in nature... as you'll also see when you come over to check out my Photo Hunt entry this week!
Re your own find: trust you to find something beautiful and use your photography skills to really show off its beauty. :)
i saw triangle too :)
SvaraRaderalurve da vibrant colour of this pic
i do too!
SvaraRaderaI know what you mean, triangle is everywhere. The color of the fruit was intense. Nice shot
SvaraRaderaWonderful interpretation!
SvaraRaderaI'm up at http://www.godofanotherworld.blogspot.com
Wonderful photos throughout your site. You just gained a fan.
SvaraRaderaA good choice - I also have some of nature's triangles.
SvaraRaderaWonderful take om the theme and so colourful too!
SvaraRaderaAlmost as ubiquitous as the Fibonacci series.
SvaraRaderaLovely image.
Lovely shot. Wonderful take on the theme.
SvaraRaderaI agree with you, in fact my post resonates your post!
SvaraRaderaThat's a very pretty triangle! Have never eaten a fig! Have a great day!!
That is a cute one very good choice my friend. Happy weekend mine is also up....
SvaraRaderammmMmmmMMm!! Figs!! Can you believe I've only ever tasted fig once? I loved it! Looking forward to more this summer, I hope :)
SvaraRaderaToday I worked triangles into a piece about Modes of transportation in Chicago - do drop by, k? Have a good weekend!
I see a triangle there too. But it just makes me want to eat it! Come see my frozen concoction.
Härliga färger och underbar tolkning.
SvaraRaderaVery cool!! Beautiful
SvaraRaderaMagnificent shot! Simply superb.
SvaraRaderaYou're making my mouth water. I used to eat figs right off the tree when I was a kid.
SvaraRaderaI have never seen a real fig! And never seen what it looks like inside. Great shot!
SvaraRaderaI did PH, too. I hope you have a chance to see mine.
Have a great weekend. He is risen!
Härligt foto Randi, får sån lust at ta ett bett, mmmm :)
SvaraRaderaMmm - härlig frukt och härliga färger. Suberb - som vanligt!
SvaraRaderaFår också önska dig en trevlig fortsatt helg. Kram Ingrid
Hej Randi!
SvaraRaderaOtroligt vacker bild...och vad fräckt att det är en triangel sådär!
Jag tycker så mycket om fikonmarmelad på kex, coh fikonträd är ju så coola. Såg ett så fint på Apotekarens trädgård i Simrishamn i somras, men köpte det tyvärr inte..och sedan har jag letat efter ett utan att lyckas...
Amazing photo! Best one I've seen so far. I love that you looked to nature to find your triangle. I was heading there next if I hadn't found something in my house first.
SvaraRaderaMine's up and ready...come on over!
This is a fig? haven't seen one like it. Is it edible?
SvaraRaderaHave a nice weekend.
This is definitely a very creative shot. Happy Easter.
SvaraRaderaVery interesting take on the triangle theme. I would not have thought of that!!!
SvaraRaderaAmazing picture! Never seen this type of fig before!
SvaraRaderaSer gott ut... och vackert! :) Alltid lika kul att kika in hos dig och titta på allt fint.