Seed coat and enzymes protect seeds.
Norway has built a "Doomsday” Seed Vault –
to protect seeds from natural and unnatural disasters:
global warming, asteroid strikes, plant diseases,
nuclear warfare, and even earthquakes.
You can read more about
the Svalbard Global Seed Bank here.
Every saturday, participants post photos based on a theme.
The theme for this week is - "Protect(ion)".
Please visit the home of photohunters on Saturday to find other participants.
The theme for this week is - "Protect(ion)".
Please visit the home of photohunters on Saturday to find other participants.
What a very interesting and unique take on the theme. This week looks like a fun week for the theme.
SvaraRaderaUnderbar bild..!
SvaraRadera: )
TACK för din kommentar!
Önskar dig en fin & solig helg!
KRAM, Jenny
That is such an amazing photo! And I enjoyed learning about the seed bank. I'm glad they are protecting the seeds. :)
SvaraRaderathat is a beautiful photo - as always. And it's interesting to read about the vault. How sensible.
SvaraRaderaSuch a beautiful photo Randi.
SvaraRaderaI find the seed bank a wonderful project :D
Have a nice week-end Randi
Your photographs are always so well done. Great take on the theme. Happy weekend.
SvaraRaderaA superb shot (as ever!) THe seedbank is a welcome move. I fear that it will be needed
SvaraRaderaHärlig bild!
SvaraRaderaJag måste försöka att komma ihåg att ta ut mina orkidéer i år. Men jag ska inte klaga på blomvilligheten i alla fall. Sen vi flyttade hit har det nästan alltid varit någon/några i blom.
Ha en riktigt skön helg.
Kram Mari i Marieholm
Fascinerande, det ser ut som om fröskidan är gjord av siden.
SvaraRaderaBeautiful photo for this week. :)
Another beautiful photo, Randi. You and mother nature sure do combine well together. :)
SvaraRaderaGreat take on the theme... keep on protecting the seeds and our food supply...
SvaraRaderaThat seed bank is interesting.
SvaraRaderaLove the shot, first thought it was a ribbon with embossed dots, hahaha.
Wonderful post! I love the photo of the seedpod - most unique! Very interesting about the seed bank, too - what a great idea!
SvaraRaderaHope you’ll stop by mine!
That is a unique entry nice good job. Happy weekend. Mine is also ready for a visit.
SvaraRaderaThat's very interesting! Thanks for the information. Happy weekend!
SvaraRaderaBeautiful picture! Love the clarity:). In fact I've learned something new-thank you.
SvaraRaderaHope you stop by http://upcountrysmiles.com
Cindy O
God morgon !
SvaraRaderaDet var en bra sak som de har gjort i Norge ! Det kan ju vara till nytta (tyvärr).
Bilden är vacker, men vad är det ?
Unique take on the theme. Nice photo.
SvaraRaderaHappy weekend.
Det är så vackert ! Ny header också ser jag.
SvaraRaderaÖnskar dig en skön helg och hoppas verkligen vi får till en tur till Skåne men du vet också att det står en gästavdelning här på Månvägen och väntar på att du ska komma.Det är bara att bestämma dig för att åka upp.
Kram Hedvig
Unique in today's offerings, I fancy.
SvaraRaderaI love your photo and am glad you mentioned the seed bank.
SvaraRaderaMy photo is posted here.
that's a lovely photo and great entry for the theme. thanks for sharing.
SvaraRaderathat's a beautiful picture! and a unique take on the theme. I've read about the seed vault some time ago and I'm really fascinated and awed by the project.
SvaraRaderaMy PH is here
As usual an amazing shot. Thanks.
SvaraRaderaHave a great weekend!
OK this is a very unique take on the theme. Great photo.
SvaraRaderaStop by and see mine if you have the chance.
JyLnC's Photo Hunt
Fin blogg du har!
SvaraRaderaVery interesting! I had not heard of this place before. And beautiful pic as always!
SvaraRaderaDet var en otrolig fin bild på fröskidan .. ,man trodde först att den var av siden :)
SvaraRaderahoppas du har haft en underbar dag ute i detta fina väder .. som jag hoppas ni också har som vi har här .. kanske bäst att till lägga:)
här blir det middag snart .sen skall jag ut och se om jag kan hitta en blåsippa .. ja tänk . jag har inga kort på en sån .. skandal ju:)
Good one!!
SvaraRaderaThat is very cool. Love this photo, it's beautiful.
SvaraRaderaque tes photos sont belles!
A very cool shot and interesting take on the theme :)
SvaraRaderaHappy Weekend!
Vilken underbar bild! Perfekt för temat och fint att påminna om 'banken' i Norge.
SvaraRaderaWow! Fabulous shot! So lovely. And so creative for our theme this week.
SvaraRaderaVery interesting...is this a ribbon of seeds?
SvaraRaderaBrilliant idea, we have to be sure more species don't disappear.
SvaraRaderaHappy weekend to you Randi and thanks for the visit.
This is a lovely picture... great colors and the shadows of the seeds. Thanks so much for stopping by.
SvaraRaderaI"m breathless once again...
SvaraRaderaI also liked this version of the theme. Not one that I had thought of at all, and as a gardener it shocked me that I hadn't when I saw your post. Pretty nice photo too, actually. Thanks for your contribution.
What an amazing macro photo...and great protection!!!
SvaraRaderaThanks for visiting me yesterday. Hope your Sunday was pleasant.