©Randi Måhl
As a little, little girl I was fascinated of the magic ability to catch a piece of moment and put it onto a piece of just using a camera.
A camera - became my highest wish. My father told me, that I first had to learn reading a camera manual and learn writing the camera settings for each and every shot in a small note book, before I could wish a camera.
Of cause I learned to read and write very quickly and my wish came through.
But the consequence was that I couldn´t understand why I needed to start going to school. I already had a job and an "income" by selling photos of the older girl´s boyfriends.
It´s no secret, that I´m still obsessed with my camera and the written words.

The camera is a girl´s best friend...
SvaraRaderaWhat a great post. I enjoyed your memories and the shot too.
SvaraRaderaWhat a wonderful post Thank you for sharing how your love of photography began :)
SvaraRaderaNice take on the theme.
SvaraRaderaHave a wonderful weekend!
Liz @ MLC
The proverbial "they" say that a picture paints a thousand words. Have to say though that I like it best when images (including those taken by a camera) are paired together with some words -- like in this entry. :)
SvaraRaderaLovely memories, beautiful take on the theme!
I discovered photography and my love to a camera rather late ! when the digitals came out ! before I was far too lazy and then my son had as option "photography" in highschool and the whole house stank when he developed his photos, yikes !
SvaraRaderaGreat touch of words and i've a great passion for photography too.
SvaraRaderahahaha! you had a "job" early! i was 12 years old when i discovered how amazing a camera is. and when my science teacher asked the class what is the greatest scientific invention, i answered, a camera! LOL of course, the teacher dismissed my answer, and i was really pissed!:p
SvaraRaderaWhat a beautiful blog!!!
SvaraRaderathanx for finding me:)))
I follow!!:)))
Fint inlägg!
SvaraRaderaHär har det inte snöat så mycket i natt, bara blåst, men nu snöar det, ut kommer vi just nu, men jag misstänker att det är kört längre fram i dag. Känns jobbigt efter förra vintern, men vackert är det..
kram Sophia
so beautiful. I really love all your photos.
SvaraRaderaYou not only have a way with a camera Randi, you also have a way with words :)
SvaraRaderaVery cool photo, as always, and nice to read about your memories.
SvaraRaderaOh so cute take of the theme....
SvaraRaderaYou are very talented and I love all your photos here. Great take on the theme. Happy weekend!
I love to take pictures... I've only had cheap cameras, but yes I got one in high school... couldn't afford much film so only did family pics...I love that you were selling photos before you got out of school.. very interesting post!!
SvaraRaderaYou have the art and skill of a tru photographer.
SvaraRaderaUntil now, I still have not read completely the camera's manual.
I wish I'd kept that level of information when I was younger, it would have made me a much better photographer. Now it's all done by our digital cameras! Thanks for sharing this story.
SvaraRaderaHej Randi,
SvaraRaderaSå roligt att höra hur du började fotografera. Trevliga minnen.
Många varma kramar.
Viist är det härligt med fotografi och allt som man kan göra med den. Fina bilder och trevlig blogg. Önskar dig en riktigt trevlig helg!
SvaraRaderaYou take very beautiful photos. I always love to visit and see your work of arts.
SvaraRaderaOch du är skicklig på det också !
Loved this post. I know exactly what you mean. I suspect my picture quality would improve dramatically if I actually read the manual once and awhile. LOL
SvaraRaderaHave a super weekend.
A lovely take on the theme :-)