Our theatre
Ystad, South of Sweden
Yesterday I was I able to drive into Ystad.
The town was dressed in white.

A hidden car parked on the street.
We haven`t been able to leave our house today,
due to drifting snow.
Hard winds continue to cause bad conditions
on many roads here in the south and many roads are closed.
A bitter winter is on it´s way and another blast of snow
is set to come in the next days, bringing snowfall and cold winds.
This phenomen is described in meteorological jargong
as the North Atlantic oscillation is entering a negative phase (NAO)...
* * * * * * *
Jag läste nyss i min väninnas blogg In My Boudoir
hur de har det en bit härifrån.
Skolan och hennes underbara butik är stängd.
Snödrivorna på vägen hos henne är 1 1/2 meter höga
och det blåser stormvindar.
Ja, vi är nog många, som nu tvingas
att stanna hemma på grund av ovädret.
Smhi har gått ut med en klass 1-varning för Skåne.
Jag hoppas innerligt att solen skiner, att det har slutat snöa
och att det är vindstilla i morgon bitti, när jag vaknar!
Hoppas du har bättre väder än vad vi har här!
Wow, that is a lot of snow. Beautiful shots but I'm sorry you can't get out with the drifts.
SvaraRaderaVilka vackra vinterbilder! Ni har fått mer snö än vi här i Lund :)
I guess you have a North Atlantic Oscillation Index just as we have one for the south, only ours is El Ninio or El Ninia and generally forecast either sufficient rain or a drought.
SvaraRaderaSnow covers up all that is unsightly and turns the landscape into a visual wonderland. The theatre looks splendid in its pristine white surroundings.
Fantastic captures, but it is hard to get around with drifts like that! I raised my family in Montana and we had drifts like these during winter and it was hard to get around! Snowy look at your world!! Have a great week, stay warm!!
The bright yellow building looks wonderful in the snow. I feel sorry for the cyclist and his bij=ke, though. :)
SvaraRaderaFantastiskt vilken vinter som kommit till oss redan. Den vackra gula teatern står sig underbart fint mot snön. Den insnöade cykeln är bara för cool (i dubbel bemärkelse) ;-)
SvaraRaderaJa, oj vad det snöat i öst dessa dagar! Men... man måste ju tillstå att Ystads Teater ser extra ståtlig ut på din fina bild!;-)
SvaraRaderaVi kajkade runt i dina trakter (till S-hamn) igår. Och oj vad det snöade & yrde och....! På hemvägen "tog vi med oss" (?) en hel del hit upp till Göinge också = åkte genom nytt yrväder på em! Vi på östsidan tycks ha fått mest av snön & ovädret.....
Så mycket är det inte i Malmö...gillar cykelbilden ;)
SvaraRaderaJa vilket väder! Här har vägen varit stängd hela dagen, snön har farit fram i stora moln och vinden dånat. Puh, jag undrar hur detta ska bli?
SvaraRaderavackra bilder på teatern!
Wow, den cykeln var riktigt spännande. Och teatern passar ju utmärkt i snölandskapet. Så vackert!
SvaraRaderagorgeous photos but sorry about the unpleasant weather that comes your way.
SvaraRaderabeautiful photo's Randi, love the second photo with bicycle covered in snow... i like your todays flower entry too... amazing shot.... love your still life photographs... you are the best
SvaraRaderaWow, that car is really hidden. I love the color of the theatre. Great captures.
SvaraRaderaAmazing how beauty still manifests after a storm. Outstanding captures and hope all is well. I'd hate to be the owner of the car!
SvaraRaderaFantastic set of shots. That building is shining beautifully.
SvaraRaderaThe theatre is beautiful but the snow on the bicycle and the car is very scary! I hope you have lots of food in your house.
SvaraRadera-- K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Wonderful shots of all that snow! It's cold cold cold - but magical too.
SvaraRaderaHjälp så mycket snö ni fått. Men det ger dig möjlighet att ta så vackra vinterbilder. Ja vintern har kommit tidigt i år. Här har vi bara ett lager pudersnö, -10C med en bister och bitande vind....
SvaraRaderawhat's great about visiting blogs in My World is that I always learn something new about the place. places that I could only dream of coming. thanks for sharing your world with us.
SvaraRaderaBeautiful! Then all that snow needs shovelling. Well it is good cardio-vascular activity.
SvaraRaderaBeautiful My World Tuesday snow posting
SvaraRaderaHave a nice week,
Greetings, Bram
Link to My Word Tuesday post!
Seen on My World Tuesday
Stunning! I love the light in that first photo Randi! Wow! Your part of the world is being hit hard and early this year. Great snow bicycle! I hope things are better by now. It can be fun to be snowed in . . . if one does not lose power. Best of luck! Kram Carol
SvaraRaderaThe bicycle covered with snow makes such an interesting shot.
SvaraRaderaGreat pictures.
ja, så däe ser det ut. Kul att du visar ett gult hus. Den här vintern har jag just reagerat på att gult blir fint med snö. :)
SvaraRaderaDet har jag inte tänkt på förut. :)
I LOVE the bike buried in snow. Glad you could get out at least for a bit.
I love your photography. You may be feeling trapped, but you are still expressing beauty in your images.