Rue d`Antibes
Cannes, South of France
This has always been my favorite shopping street.
I do most of my shopping here, because it´s so convenient.
I always find what I´m looking for
and I don´t need to spend too much time on shopping.
The shops in Cannes are concentrated between La Croisette
and Rue d`Antibes. All designer shops are easily covered by foot.
Den här gatan har varit min favorit-shopping gata i mer än 30 år.
Här hittar man allt inom promenadavstånd.
Gatan är nyrenoverad och har blivit mer elegant.
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please go to the home of - That´s My World Tuesday.
Vilken härlig bild Randi! Har du suttit på någon taksevering och fotat?/Anja
SvaraRaderaGreat shot. I like the how colorful it looks. I hope your week is off to a good start.
SvaraRaderaVilken härlig bild.
SvaraRaderaFick leta lite då jag hamnade på den senaste skywatchen då jag klickade på din länk inne på that's my world...
What a great picture of Cannes. full of colour
SvaraRaderaså långt från de gröna ängarna du ville ha till imorgon. :)
SvaraRaderawoooooow så ball bild, cannes guuuuu jag goryser!
SvaraRaderavarmkram lotten
What a cool view! I like your vantage point. :)
SvaraRaderaLove your capture and it does look like a great place to shop! So colorful! Have a great week!
Very nice top view of the shopping street.
SvaraRaderaLooks like a pleasent place to relax and enjoy a great coffee. Love the strong color shot!
SvaraRaderaGreat photo.. although that huge poster of the near naked woman spoils the vista for me...
SvaraRaderavery beautiful capture and treatment
SvaraRaderaRandi: Certainly looks like a street filled with shops.
SvaraRaderaWhat a cool urban shot, thanks for sharing.
SvaraRaderaAll the best
Regina In Pictures
That looks like an incredible place! Wow.
SvaraRaderaamazing shots you have on your blog! this is one of my fav.
SvaraRaderaPraktiskt att kunna få tag i allt man behöver på endast en gata, att tillbringa för mycket tid i affärer är ingen höjdare...
SvaraRaderaHa det bra