with beautiful melodies.
That makes my heart sing
together with this little bird.
That´s a magical thing and I wonder -
Why do the birds sing?
Please visit the home of Photohunters on Saturday to find more participants.
Beautiful shot of the little bird singing too you and great words too. I'm enjoying the song you have on your site too. Great take on the theme. Happy weekend.
SvaraRaderaBeautiful picture - what a great photographer you are!
SvaraRaderaThanks for visiting.
Söt liten fågel,spännande att titta på nära håll.
SvaraRaderaTHat is such a beautiful photo but then I expect little short of perfection when I visit here and I am never disappointed of course!
SvaraRaderaTRevligt följa pippi & lyssna till dess sång. Mer om fågelsång här:
What a great picture -- one that would fit for next week's Photo Hunt too. In the meantime, agree that some birds really can sing beautifully indeed. :)
SvaraRaderaWhat a beautiful photo Randi and yes some birds do make beautiful music but sadly not all. I miss the songbirds of my homeland for they are a bit dull here.
SvaraRaderaHappy weekend to you.
...Then there are the crows....
SvaraRaderaMine is up http://mudpuddle.wordpress.com/2009/11/14/photohunter-music/
and please check out the update from my post last week: http://mudpuddle.wordpress.com/2009/11/14/it-arrived/
what could be more perfect than listening to a bird's song. excellent shot!
SvaraRaderaHej !
SvaraRaderaDin bild gör mig lycklig :) Och underbar är den.
Ha en skön helg !
Great shot of the bird.
SvaraRaderaCute little bird... Its music is the best to my ears. :)
I also love to listen birds singing especially in the morning.. Great shot
SvaraRaderaOne of the highlights of the day for me, given that I am an early riser is the first bird songs of the day. Beautiful shot.
SvaraRaderaBirds sing because they are happy which make us happy when we here them do so :)
SvaraRaderahappy weekend!
nice shot. birds do really produce good music to the ear.
SvaraRaderaOh I love to hear birds singing. Even if it is snowing outside I still do manage to open my window and hear at least 5 minutes of their chirping and singing. Makes me happy.
SvaraRaderaMine is up My Life’s Journey in Focus
Mycket vackert Randi!
SvaraRaderaOch jag kan höra sången ända hit :)
Ha en skön helg!
The shot is beautiful as well as the birdie. Happy hunting...
SvaraRaderagreat entry.. the bird shot was unexpected though but appropriate
SvaraRaderaVilken underbara bild Randi!
beautiful picture!! and yes, birds chirping certainly is music to my ears too :)
SvaraRaderamy post is up too...
Musical Treats
that's so pretty! great shot!
SvaraRaderaSnygg musik! Men jag trodde att det skulle vara en Fotojakt? Bra val av fågelbilden.
SvaraRaderaWhat a beautiful photo! I so love the birds' songs, too. Great PH!
SvaraRaderaHappy Photo Hunting! I hope you get a chance to visit my post today at New York Traveler.net. Happy trails!
great idea for music. Great close up photo.
SvaraRaderaI feed my sparrows and they sing to me.