Every saturday, participants post photos based on a theme.
The theme for this week is - "Painted".
Please visit the home of photohunters on Saturday to find other participants.
The theme for this week is - "Painted".
Please visit the home of photohunters on Saturday to find other participants.
Very cool. This theme is very interesting. Happy weekend.
SvaraRaderaKreativt Randi! :)
SvaraRaderaDet här temat är spännande för att se hur alla tänker.
Min version finns också att beskåda.
Ha en fin helg!
Kram Anna
Det var bra motiv på det tema:) hur gjorde du detta?
SvaraRaderaDet blev ganska häftigt:)
ha en fin fredags kväll
So beautiful! Just a truly magical photo. Love it.
SvaraRaderaThis tulip grew this way...interesting and beautiful.
SvaraRaderahave a wonderful week-end Randi
That's a beautifully colored tulip Randi. :)
What a beautiful flower. I love how you have enhanced the colours. Have a great weekend
SvaraRaderaEn sån skulle det finnas :)
SvaraRaderaVilken underbar bild på brunnävan, med ljuset bakom.
Ha en skön helg!
Kram Mari
Färgad, ja det kan jag acceptera... men vacker ????
SvaraRaderaFotot är perfekt, tycker jag.
Trevlig helg
That's a wonderful shot. We had a similar idea this week. Happy weekend.
SvaraRaderaThat's very beautiful!
SvaraRaderaHave a great weekend. :)
Wow! What a gorgeous photo! Spectacular entry this week...
SvaraRaderaThank you for visiting mine!
That is sooo pretty... perfect for the theme!!
SvaraRaderaGorgeous! And creative take!
SvaraRaderahappy weekend
Beautiful colors, it is amazing. Happy hunting!
SvaraRaderai think with this theme, we are headed for a colorful day! nice picture.:)
SvaraRaderaabsolutely beautiful. but is it real or is it painted? it is hard to tell although u captioned it as God painted a flower in my garden? :)
SvaraRaderaBengbeng - this is a real tulip in my garden. OK I did help God a bit - but I have only increased the saturation a little. The photo was taken 04.30 in the morning to make use of the "right" light.
SvaraRaderaOj, vilken bild ! Här är det verkligen färgglädje.
SvaraRaderathat's a lovely painted tulip.
SvaraRaderaUnderbart!! Lina, C´est la vie
SvaraRaderaAloha from Maui, Hawaii!!
SvaraRaderaVery very pretty!
Cindy O
It's my first time to see a flower as colorful as that. :)
SvaraRaderaHappy Weekend! :)
Here's my entry:
Ohhh, that certainly looks great! :) Love the colors,Randi.
SvaraRaderahow God painted it beautifully!
SvaraRaderaAmazing. That flower really does look like it's been painted! :)
SvaraRaderaThat is stunning. Looks like you dipped the flower into neon paint. Nice.
SvaraRaderaWow.....vivid coloring.
SvaraRaderaMy 'PAINTED' is posted now. Hope you can join me at my blog today sometime. Have a great weekend.
Very pretty flower tulips. Happy weekend. Mine is posted. TC
SvaraRaderaLove your fluo tulip! The perfect picture for the theme!
SvaraRaderaVilken häftig tolkning.
SvaraRaderaWhat gorgeous colours! Beautiful photo for the theme :)
SvaraRaderavery creative!
SvaraRaderaThat is a great photo hunt~
Ooh very pretty flower!
SvaraRaderaThat is so very beautiful :-)
SvaraRaderaStunning color! I love tulips. I did PH today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit!
SvaraRaderaMine is up: http://mudpuddle.wordpress.com/2009/05/16/photohunt-painted/
Det börjar kännas tjatigt, men jag säger det igen; vilka fantastiska bilder du tar!!!!
He is a master! Hope you can stop by to view my photo hunt Thanks so much.
SvaraRaderaIndeed He did. It is amazing how many chose the paintings in nature this weekend.
SvaraRaderaHappy weekend to you.
SvaraRaderawow, u did help the tulip a little but it came out fabulous
SvaraRaderaVery nice... lovely colors on this.
SvaraRaderaHow did you do it?
Mine is up here.
How beautiful!
SvaraRaderaJag som är halvnorska firar med dig, Randi! Ha en fin 17:e maj!
SvaraRaderaKul att Norge vann igår!