Every saturday, participants post photos based on a theme.
The theme for this week is - "In Memory".
Please visit the home of photohunters on Saturday to find other participants.
The theme for this week is - "In Memory".
Please visit the home of photohunters on Saturday to find other participants.
What a great take on the theme. I used to have a pair of toe shoes but mine are long gone as well as my youth.
SvaraRaderaVackert och lite vemodigt...
SvaraRaderaKram Lydia
Wow... you were a ballerina before? That's cool Randi. :)
Grym tolkning Randi!!!
SvaraRaderaJag anar sorg, smärta men även glädje när jag ser den här bilden.
Snygg bild!!
Min version finns också att beskåda :)
Ha en fin helg!
Kram Anna
Vackert och snyggt vemodigt!
SvaraRaderaI lolve your take on this week's theme Randi. As ever a stunning photo!
SvaraRaderaJust a beautiful photo :D
SvaraRaderaWhat a beautiful photo. Gives me a lump in my throat. Great take on this week's theme.
SvaraRaderaVackert !
SvaraRaderaÖnskar dig också en skön helg.
Kram Hedvig
A great take on the theme! And the youth is in the heart:)
SvaraRaderaHej goa Randi!
SvaraRaderaEn bild säger mer än tusen ord...vilken känsla den här bilden förmedlar..blod, vett och tårar på riktigt liksom...
svett* förstås...
SvaraRaderaVilka fina gamla tåspetsskor. Vilka minnen det väcker...jag var också "dansös" när jag var liten. Tåspets och fetvadd mellan tårna, fluffkjol och kryllor i håret. Ja, det var tider det! Nåja det blev ju inte Operabaletten för mig så jag får trösta mig med mina vackra dansöser i trädgården i stället. Ha en skön heög. Kram!
SvaraRaderaVilken vacker bild! Visste inte att du dansat. Hoppas du får en trevlig helg i din underbar trädgård! Kram
SvaraRaderaA fabulous take on the theme. I love it.
SvaraRaderaSå underbart nötta & så underbart återgivna! Nyttjade av en underbar person som jag förstår gett både sig själv & andra många underbara upplevelser vid användandet! Vackert minne!
SvaraRaderaWhat a gorgeous photo, Randi! You have a wonderful eye... and I'm so glad you didn't post something depressing! :-)
SvaraRaderaThanks for the visit!
What a wonderful idea for the theme. Lucky you still have them, but I'll bet you treasure them
SvaraRaderaHappy weekend Randi.
Those look like well worn ballet shoes. You must have danced a lot in them, Randi! :)
SvaraRaderaBeautiful photo... and the words say it all... Great take on the theme!
SvaraRaderaNostalgiskt och skirt vackert ! (Inte skit som det höll på att bli ;)
Wonderful photo. Great memories. My feet were always sore from ice skating - in an ice rink as there is no natural ice here :)
SvaraRaderaA beautiful and poignant photo. Sometimes, we just have to give up on our dreams and move on.
SvaraRaderaMy PH is up too.
Initially I thought of something along these lines but there are too many such memories of things lost.
SvaraRaderaThis is a wonderful take on the theme and it's a gorgeous photo.
SvaraRaderaAmazing photo, wonderful memory.
SvaraRaderaMy "In Memory" is posted. Have a great weekend.
That's a lovely shot and that one line says so much more. Dancing must have been a great love of yours.
SvaraRaderaI hope you lived all your youthful dreams, I am still working on mine
SvaraRaderaWhat a beautiful photo... (as per usual!)
SvaraRaderaEtt vackert och vemodigt minne. Fantastiskt fin bild. Ha en bra fortsatt helg. Kram Ingrid
SvaraRaderaBallerina Shoes... Do you stil dance?
SvaraRaderaHave a great weekend.
I know a former professional ballerina and you are so right... dreams and pain... what a great shot!
SvaraRaderaMine is up here.
Those ballet slippers speak a thousand words of art and pain and sweat and work and joy. Beautiful.
beautiful shot!!
SvaraRaderaWhat a beautiful and nostalgic photo! I love your view on this week's theme.
SvaraRaderaWhat a great capture. I love how you posed the slippers to show the hard work and wear they've seen. Beautiful photograph.
SvaraRaderaMine's up here:
JyLnC's In Memory
I love that picture. It brings memories.
SvaraRaderaThis is a beautiful and artistic shot! and a fabulous take on the theme as well!! hope you drop by mine!
SvaraRaderai like