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This dirty water
is the world´s most polluted sea.
An increasing lack of oxygen at the bottom of the Baltic Sea
is causing animal and plant life to die.
linking with Our World Tuesday
copyright 2012 rostistel.blogspot.com
Yes, it is sad to hear about the pollution of the Baltic Sea. But it looks very lovely in your photo.....
SvaraRaderaHave a nice week and Happy Easter.
Underbar bild. Alla vet om föroreningarna men det händer så lite. Det är lätt att bli modlös men många projekt som rädda havsörnen har ju lyckats över förväntan. Även havet borde gå att rädda från allt som inte skall vara där. Jag önskar dig en skön vecka! Zinnia
SvaraRaderaFørst og fremst;
SvaraRaderabildet ditt er veldig vakkert!
Fantastisk fint!
Når det gjelder forurensing og utarming,
så burde virkelig menneskeheten skjerpe seg, ja!
Vi er en stor masse med bortskjemte forbrukere!
Og mye vil ha mer...
Vi vet ikke lenger hva verdier er...
Vet at det er sterke ord, men det er kanskje det eneste som hjelper. Å ta hardt i!
Som enkeltmenneske(r) kan man/vi gjøre mye.
Ta riktige valg. For naturen og omgivelsene.
Men politikere og myndighetspersoner må reagere også.
Sette inn tiltak.
Danne en snuoperasjon...!
Forstår deg og dette hjertesukket.
Man kan bli fortvilet av mindre...
Håper at vi klarer å redde planeten vår!
Vi lever ikke med den lenger, i all vår velstand og rikdom...
God påske!
Nyt skjønnheten rundt deg. Naturen.
Det har sagt många kloka ord i de tidigare kommentarerna. Kan bara instämma!
SvaraRaderaI stället för att bli mera långsiktiga i vårt förhållande till naturen, så handlar det mesta om nästa kvartalsbokslut.
De som har makten måste se till att bruka den!
Kram! Märit
So sad to learn of the pollution there! Such a beautiful place! Unfortunately this sort of thing is happening to so many beautiful places!! Gorgeous capture!
I'm not sure if my comment went through so I'll try again. Such a beautiful shot with the birds in flight over the water. I'm sorry to learn about the pollution.
SvaraRaderaWe don't take very good care of our earth ... do we? So sad. Amazing blue color!
SvaraRaderaSorry to hear the poor environmental state of the Baltic Sea. I was there in the 1980s and it was nice then.
SvaraRaderaYes, this is a nice place. But the water was dirty when you where here...sorry. You can´t see it with your eyes.
RaderaAll the seas have the same problem I think. There are just not enough concerned people. Great photo Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
SvaraRaderaWow - amazing colours and shot! Love the formation of the birds in the sky. A great way to point out that our seas are suffering from our own negligence.
SvaraRaderaLovely! I just wondered why birds fly in flock in V formation! Good eye!
SvaraRaderaCalling by as another Our World Tuesday participant, very sad about the Baltic but what a strong blue it is and the sky!
SvaraRaderaThis is a stunning shot. It is so sad to think of what a terrible state our world is in due to our actions. Thank you for the reminder to take care of what we have. :)
SvaraRaderaThe colours are so dramatic here!
SvaraRaderaThe blue is briliant. A stunning shot.
SvaraRaderaThis photo is unbelievably stunning! I am in awe. :)