The Climate Conference is taking place
only one hour´s drive from my home.
Therefore, I decided to post this photo.
Hillary Clinton is now here and
tomorrow Barack Obama will arrive.
I really hope that the outcome of
the climate talks in the end will be successful.
For more sky photos, please visit SkyWatch Friday.
Jag kan bara instämma! Bilden passar verkligen bra i detta sammanhang. Kul att du är igång med täta uppdateringar igen. :) Kram från Karin
SvaraRaderaen bild som verkligen passar in på det du skrev .. och vi får verkligen hoppas att de till slut kan komma överens om något och att det blir positivt från alla parter .
SvaraRaderaha en fin kväll
kram :)
The sinister beauty! Excellent Randi! Gorgeous photo! Carol
SvaraRaderaFantastiska färger, en härlig bild och mkt tänkvärd.
Dette er et aktuelt og flott bilde!
SvaraRaderaHa en fin fredag;)
I think that we all hope too.
SvaraRaderaHello Randi. Wow this is glorious!
SvaraRaderaSuch a beautiful capture.
SvaraRaderaMy entry
very beautiful shot....a romantic scene..dont u think?
SvaraRaderaI came back to Swedena nd to Skywatch.
Aktuelt og viktig fokus.
SvaraRaderaVAKKERT illustrert! :)
Fine farger og toner her...
Beautiful photo... and we'll all hope right along with you!
SvaraRaderaWow! One photo = says so much! Thank you for sharing.
SvaraRaderaPassande bild till det rådande klimatmötet som pågår nu. Men jag tror inte så mycket av det som man har hört under de senaste dagarna. Men vi får väl se om det blir någon överenskommelse.
SvaraRaderaHade fint. Nu finns du på min lista:-)
Lovely photo Randi
SvaraRaderaRed Red Sun
My goodness, what a pollution layer! Great shot.
SvaraRaderaA very interesting juxtaposition with the beautiful sky and the smoke stakes. Excellent capture.
SvaraRaderaThat's lovely,ilove the sky for whatever c0l0r it has.thanks for visiting my blog
SvaraRaderaJag kan bara instämma tillfullo med dina ord Randi -
SvaraRaderaDin bild förstärker budskapet i dina ord och tvärtom.
Starkt och mycket snyggt jobbat!
Kram Anna
I think everyone should hope for a successful meeting and outcome. Great photo!
SvaraRaderaThose are powerful shots. I have signed an online petition about the climate change conference at: http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_copenhagen
SvaraRaderaThe petition says:
Petition to the 110 Presidents and Prime Ministers negotiating in Copenhagen:
We call on each one of you to make the concessions necessary to meet your historic responsibility in this crisis. Rich countries must offer fair funding, and all countries must set ambitious targets on emissions. Do not leave Copenhagen without a fair, ambitious and binding deal that keeps the world safe from catastrophic global warming of 2 degrees.
Great sky shot...beautiful
SvaraRaderaI hope the talks turn out successful too, Randi. I wish my government (Canada) would be more helpful!