K E E P . W A R M
It´s night time.
The snow is falling.
It´s cold outside.
- colder than ever!
The flakes float and
dance to the ground.
I feel the cold
and light a candle,
to warm my heart
and soothe my soul.

It´s night time.
The snow is falling.
It´s cold outside.
- colder than ever!
The flakes float and
dance to the ground.
I feel the cold
and light a candle,
to warm my heart
and soothe my soul.
Every Saturday, participants post photos based on a theme.
The theme for this week is - "Warm".
Andra bloggar om: snö, bild, varm, fotografi, poesi, lykta
Visst kan det behövas värme dessa dagar...fast det är ju ganska läckert med ett riktigt snötäcke som vi har idag. Alla mindre fagra platser och skavanker i trädgården suddas ut, det blir lugnt att vila ögonen på.
SvaraRaderaHa en härlig helg,
Älskar de där "höga" färgerna.
SvaraRaderaJeg kunne kjenne varmen og stillheten,men ingen kulde...:-))
SvaraRaderaFantastisk bilde!!
Skikkelig deilig fredag & Stoor klem fra Randi
Visst kan man behöva lite varme i dessa dager:)
SvaraRaderamycket vacker bild :)
Häftig bild.
SvaraRaderaÖnskar dig en skön helg.
Kram Hedvig
Fantastisk bild! Gillar färgen på ljuset. Kram
SvaraRaderaWow!! I should learn from you the effect of getting such a beautiful shot. I love it!! :)
Nice capture of warmth :P
SvaraRaderaVad gullig du är...du som redan är ett proffs på bilder..!
SvaraRadera: )
Kram, Jenny
Vilken värme din bild förmedlar!
SvaraRaderaTrevlig helg!
Exquisite! very lovely.
SvaraRaderaHappy PH!!
such a beautiful shot, giving a sense of warmth amidst a dark, dank, dire environment embracing it...
SvaraRaderaRandi, this photo looks magical! I love it! :)
SvaraRaderaHave a great weekend!
That's a beautiful candle. I hope you can stay warm on this winter weekend.
SvaraRaderaMy entry for PH this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks
Beautiful pic! It looks enchanted or magical :)
SvaraRaderaMy Photo Hunt entry is here
Please stop by if you've got a moment! :)
Wow, what an awesome photo! Love the poem too. Keep warm.
SvaraRaderaNice one for photohunt's theme... Have a enjoyable weekend!
SvaraRaderaJättefin bild!
SvaraRaderaTrevlig helg önskar Växthusmadam
What a beautiful photo. Happy weekend
SvaraRaderaEtt vackert foto på ett stämningsfullt ljus.
SvaraRaderamvh, Anja
Beautiful photo and poem for this week. :)
Beautiful, soothing photo!
SvaraRaderaHappy Weekend.
Great photo. What a wonderful interpretation of the theme.
SvaraRaderaThat's a beautiful photo of the candle.
SvaraRaderaWhat a lovely response to this week's theme. The candle looks inviting and your poem delightful. Thanks for visiting Sacred Ruminations and leaving the link back here.
SvaraRaderaHugs and blessings,
Fantastic shot... I wish I could learn to take beautiful pictures like that one of these days.
SvaraRaderathat's such a beautiful capture, that candle looks so warm in the dark night!
SvaraRaderaBeautiful photo of the warm candle. The poem was a nice touch!
SvaraRaderaBeautiful. Over here in the lower latitudes, it's warmed up so much I'm afraid that winter's over. (And yes, I like whatever winter we have here in Hong Kong -- great hiking weather! ;b)
SvaraRaderaOh that is pretty entry. happy weekend.
SvaraRaderaRandi this is a super shot. It does look magical!!
SvaraRaderaI love the lit candle and the feel of being all cozy while the flakes fall outside!!
Happy hunting,
NICE photo! And definitely warm. ;-)
SvaraRaderaMy Photo Hunt post is at
More of Me - EG
SvaraRaderaHar en bildutmaning till dig. Hoppas du hittar en bild men lite vår på...
Super-Warm image.
SvaraRaderaPretty too.
SvaraRaderalike the snowy effect against the warm glow of the candle.
SvaraRaderaExquisite shot, as usual on your site.
SvaraRaderaHave a great weekend.
this shot is absolutely gorgeous!!!
SvaraRaderahave a great weekend ;)
Absolutely beautiful!
SvaraRaderaMountain Retreat
Varm härlig bild med lika varm text som behövs i denna kyla!
SvaraRaderaJag tycker om hur du arbetar med färgerna :)
Ha en fin helg!
Kram Anna
Oj vad vackert! Ljuvliga färger.
SvaraRaderathis is an awesome photo! Makes me feel warm (well, almost!!) :)
SvaraRaderaBeautiful photo and lovely narration for it!
SvaraRaderaMine's up at:
Happy Photo Hunt!
How beautiful the poem is! Great take on this weeks theme! My hunt is up please come and visit
SvaraRaderaKul att se en ovanligt bild från dig Randi. Riktigkt läcker är den. Man hoppade till liksom.
SvaraRaderaJag gillar snön och här snöar det just nu.
Ha det gott
Beautiful photo! Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful picture!